Cookie Meets Deadpool: Taraji P. Henson and Ryan Reynolds Dish on Auditions and Social Media

In the dazzling world of Hollywood, where stars often shine in the glare of the public eye, it’s not uncommon for even the brightest to stumble. Such was the case when Taraji P. Henson and Ryan Reynolds, two of the industry’s most charismatic and talented figures, recently sat down with Variety to discuss their careers, their journey through the labyrinth of auditions, the complex influence of social media, and their iconic roles as Cookie Lyon and Deadpool. Their candid conversation offered a rare and illuminating glimpse into the realities of navigating a career in the entertainment industry.

1. Reflections on Bad Auditions

Taraji P. Henson:

For Taraji P. Henson, the path to becoming the indomitable Cookie Lyon on “Empire” was paved with challenges, including a memorable audition she described as a significant low point. Recalling a particularly exasperating experience, Henson reflected on how, despite her best efforts, the audition felt like an unmitigated disaster. “It was one of those moments where you walk out of the room and think, ‘I don’t know what just happened in there, but it wasn’t good,’” she said with a wry smile. This audition, in retrospect, was a pivotal lesson in resilience. “In those moments of failure, you learn the most about yourself,” Henson mused. “You have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep pushing forward.”

She highlighted how these early setbacks helped her refine her craft. “The real growth happens when you’re faced with failure and rejection. It’s easy to keep going when everything is going well, but it’s how you handle the tough times that shapes your career.” Henson’s reflection underscores a vital lesson in the entertainment industry: persistence and self-belief are often the keys to overcoming adversity.

Ryan Reynolds:

Ryan Reynolds, whose role as Deadpool has become a cultural touchstone, shared his own stories of auditioning struggles. He recounted a time when he walked into an audition room brimming with confidence, only to find himself faltering under the pressure. “I remember feeling like I had nailed it,” Reynolds said, “and then getting the call that it was a no. Those moments are crushing.”

Reynolds emphasized that such experiences were not just setbacks but crucial learning opportunities. “Every bad audition is a chance to get better. You have to be able to laugh at yourself and learn from those moments,” he noted. Reynolds’ approach to these failures reflects his broader career philosophy: embracing the setbacks as part of the journey rather than letting them define him.

2. The Influence of Social Media

Taraji P. Henson:

As an actress with a commanding social media presence, Henson has experienced both the highs and lows of digital fame. She spoke about the double-edged nature of platforms like Instagram and Twitter. “Social media is a powerful tool for connecting with fans and promoting your work,” Henson acknowledged. “But it also brings a lot of pressure. There’s this constant need to be ‘on’ and to maintain a certain image.”

Henson admitted that navigating social media requires a delicate balance. “You have to be authentic, but you also have to protect your personal life. It’s a tightrope walk,” she explained. Henson’s approach involves being mindful of what she shares while remaining engaged with her audience. “I try to be honest and open, but I also set boundaries to keep my personal life private.”

Ryan Reynolds:

Ryan Reynolds, known for his quick wit and engaging online persona, has managed to turn social media into a playground for his humor. His ability to blend personal anecdotes with promotional content has garnered him a significant following. “Social media can be a blast, especially when you get to be goofy and connect with people on a different level,” Reynolds said.

However, Reynolds also acknowledged the challenges. “There’s always a line between being open and oversharing. You want to maintain authenticity but also protect your private life,” he noted. Reynolds’ strategy involves leveraging his online presence to engage with fans while carefully curating his personal disclosures. “It’s about finding that balance where you’re engaging but also keeping some things for yourself.”

3. Embracing Iconic Roles

Taraji P. Henson:

Henson’s portrayal of Cookie Lyon on “Empire” is a defining aspect of her career. The character, a fierce and multifaceted matriarch, allowed Henson to explore the depths of her acting prowess. “Cookie is one of those roles that challenges you to push beyond your comfort zone,” Henson said passionately. “She’s complex, strong, vulnerable, and she’s been such a gift to play.”

Henson discussed how Cookie Lyon’s impact extended beyond her personal career. “Playing Cookie has allowed me to showcase a different side of my talent and connect with audiences in a profound way,” she explained. The role has not only solidified Henson’s place in Hollywood but has also inspired many viewers with its portrayal of a powerful woman navigating her own trials and triumphs.

Ryan Reynolds:

For Ryan Reynolds, Deadpool is more than just a role—it’s a cultural phenomenon. The character, known for his irreverent humor and breaking the fourth wall, redefined superhero films. “Playing Deadpool has been an incredible ride,” Reynolds said with enthusiasm. “The role gave me the chance to do something completely different and push the boundaries of what a superhero can be.”

Reynolds reflected on how Deadpool allowed him to express his comedic talent in new and innovative ways. “It’s not just about the jokes or the action. Deadpool is a character who doesn’t take himself too seriously, and that’s been such a freeing experience as an actor.” The success of Deadpool has not only cemented Reynolds’ status as a leading man but also demonstrated the potential for superhero films to evolve and engage with audiences in unexpected ways.

4. Looking Ahead

As the conversation drew to a close, both Henson and Reynolds looked towards their future endeavors with excitement and anticipation.

Taraji P. Henson:

Henson hinted at her desire to explore new and challenging roles. “I’m always looking for projects that push me to grow and evolve as an actress,” she said. “I want to continue taking on roles that are different from what people might expect from me.” Henson’s future plans include both film and television projects that will allow her to showcase her versatility and continue making an impact in the industry.

Ryan Reynolds:

Reynolds, on the other hand, expressed enthusiasm for upcoming ventures that continue to push the boundaries of storytelling. “I’m excited about projects that allow me to experiment and explore new creative avenues,” he shared. Reynolds’ future plans include both film and television projects that promise to challenge conventions and offer fresh perspectives.


The conversation between Taraji P. Henson and Ryan Reynolds offered a fascinating glimpse into their journeys through the entertainment industry. Their reflections on bad auditions, the impact of social media, and their iconic roles provided valuable insights into the realities of their careers. Both actors demonstrated a profound understanding of the importance of resilience, authenticity, and growth in navigating the ever-changing landscape of Hollywood.

Through their experiences, Henson and Reynolds remind us that success in the entertainment industry is not merely a result of talent but also a testament to perseverance, adaptability, and the ability to embrace and learn from both triumphs and setbacks. Their stories serve as an inspiration to aspiring actors and offer a compelling look at the dedication and passion required to make a lasting impact in the world of entertainment.

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